January 1999
 - Regular Meeting 19 January at TPS
 - Is There a Diesel in Your Future?
 - Spinner Composite Front Bulkhead
 - National EAA's New Web Site

February 1999
 - Regular Meeting 16 February at TPS
 - Call To Action: Rubidoux Sundown VII
 - Instrument Panel Decals
 - Bruce Wright RANS S-10 First Flight

March 1999
 - Regular Meeting 16 March at TPS
 - Rubidoux Sundown VII: The Report!
 - Welding Band Saw Blades
 - Boredom Fighter Update

April 1999
 - Regular Meeting 20 April at TPS
 - Chuck Firth's Work Table Mods
 - Meyer, Reeder Updates
 - Buck Reviews Kit Manufacturers

May 1999
 - Scotty Horowitz Going Away Fly-In 15 May
 - Sun'n Fun Report -- First Installment
 - Kommandant's Response to Pac Flyer
 - Vance Takes "Assault Vehicle" Too Far

June 1999
 - Regular Meeting 15 June at TPS
 - Jim Payne National Soaring Champ
 - Scotty Horowitz Fly-In Report
 - Boredom Fighter Almost Ready to Fly

July 1999
 - Regular Meeting 20 July at TPS
 - Project Police Finally Make It To Sun 'n Fun

August 1999
 - Regular Meeting 17 August at TPS
 - Boredom Fighter Flies!
 - Project Police in the Sun 60 Race

September 1999
 - Regular Meeting 21 September at TPS
 - Rodney Howes RV-6 First Flight
 - Sun 'n Fun PPTAF Finally Get Home
 - Project Police at Camarillo

October 1999
 - No October Meeting
 - Waldo's Excalibur Story
 - Golden West Fly-In Report

November 1999
 - Regular Meeting 16 November at TPS
 - Weasel Wins Copperstate Dash
 - Edwards Open House Report
 - Aircraft Pulley Genealogy

December 1999
 - Project Police Officer Training Field Trip, 21 December 1999
 - Notes on Steel Working Tools
 - Technical Assistants Named

EAA Chapter 1000 Home Page

Contents of The Leading Edge and these web pages are the viewpoints of the authors. No claim is made and no liability is assumed, expressed or implied as to the technical accuracy or safety of the material presented. The viewpoints expressed are not necessarily those of Chapter 1000 or the Experimental Aircraft Association.
Revised -- 26 March 2023