January 2008
 - Meeting At KMHV 15 Jan - Stormy's Wing Kit
 - Brawl Breaks Out at Festivus or maybe not
 - Goin' Soviet in the AN-2 Colt
 - Pay Your Dues -- Now! Still Only $20

February 2008
 - Regular Meeting At TPS 19 Feb
 - Project Police Restaurant Critic
 - Project Police Build-A-Bike
 - Goin' Soviet in the AN-2 Colt

March 2008
 - Regular Meeting At TPS 18 Mar
 - Aluminum Overcast 31 Mar - 2 Apr
 - Incriminating Pix From Meetings
 - Dreaded Dues Delinquent List

April 2008
 - USAFA Cadet Cookouts 22, 25 Apr
 - Pancho Barnes Film Review
 - Aluminum Overcast Initial Report
 - Bearhawk Fuel Flow Test Results

May 2008
 - Scotty Horowitz Fly-In 17 May 08 At L00
 - Hangin' Out With The B-17
 - B-17 Photographic Evidence
 - Two C1000 Aircraft Near First Flight

June 2008
 - Regular Meeting 17 Jun At High Cay
 - Piavis' RV-7 Makes First Flight
 - Erbman's Bearhawk Makes First Flight
 - Horowitz Fly-In(?) Report

July 2008
 - Regular Meeting 15 Jul At L00
 - Erbman Makes Second First Flight
 - Piavis' RV-7 Flight Testing
 - Little Known Great Test Pilots

August 2008
 - No newsletter published this month

September 2008
 - Regular Meeting 16 Sep At AFFTC Museum
 - Ball Magnet Troxel Narrowly Escapes Death
 - Paco Steals Piston, Threatens Abdication
 - Smoking Gun Engine Cause Found

October 2008
 - Regular Meeting 21 Oct At TPS
 - All About Lubricants
 - Test Your Eyeball Engineering
 - Crazy Flabobians Building CG-4A

November 2008
 - High Cay Cookout 18 Nov With Cadets
 - Gadgetosis Nervosa Attack!!
 - The Non-Joys of Sandblasting
 - JP Wins World Championship

December 2008
 - Festivus 16 Dec @ Kommandant's
 - Garmin 696 OT Report
 - Project Police Scooter Mod?
 - Famous Airplane Parts at L35?

EAA Chapter 1000 Home Page

Contents of The Leading Edge and these web pages are the viewpoints of the authors. No claim is made and no liability is assumed, expressed or implied as to the technical accuracy or safety of the material presented. The viewpoints expressed are not necessarily those of Chapter 1000 or the Experimental Aircraft Association.
Revised -- 26 March 2023