In Memoriam

Final Flight: Vern Saxon (May 1997)

Final Flight: Jim King (August 1997)

Final Flight: William "Bill" W., Piavis Jr (July 2002)

Final Flight: Roland S. Harris III (July 2002)

In Memoriam Dave Lazerson and the Demise of the Fightin' Skywagon (February 2004)

Final Flight -- John Burchak (June 2005)

Project Police Salute Passing of PPO Irvine's Father (June 2005)

PPO Vance Jaqua's Final Flight (August 2006)

Remembering Ed Lewis (December 2007)

Remembering John Bush and Lee Erb (March 2020)

Project Police In Memoriam: Lee Erb (March 2020)

Project Police In Memoriam: John Bush (March 2020)

Project Police In Memoriam: Brian Martinez (May 2020)

Project Police In Memoriam: Wen Painter (June 2020)

Memorial Service for Doug Dodson Sr. (June 2021)

EAA Chapter 1000 Home Page

Contents of The Leading Edge and these web pages are the viewpoints of the authors. No claim is made and no liability is assumed, expressed or implied as to the technical accuracy or safety of the material presented. The viewpoints expressed are not necessarily those of Chapter 1000 or the Experimental Aircraft Association.
Revised -- 21 January 2024