January 1994
 - Erbman's Engine Emporium II - Find out more about your engine than intake-compression-power-exhaust. Find out what controls the RPM for best torque and best power. Why auto engines turn faster than aircraft engines, and will they wear out faster.

February 1994
 - Erbman's Engine Emporium III - Find out more about your engine than intake-compression-power-exhaust. Find out what controls the RPM for best torque and best power. Why auto engines turn faster than aircraft engines, and will they wear out faster.
 - Upcoming Events and Paramilitary Actions - Be inspired by the rousing speech delivered by President Bob prior to Operation Rubidoux Sundown II.
 - Tri-Q-200 N200LM - The First 150 Hours

March 1994
 - Erbman's Engine Emporium IV - Find out more about your engine than intake-compression-power-exhaust. Find out what controls the RPM for best torque and best power. Why auto engines turn faster than aircraft engines, and will they wear out faster.
 - Design Group - Thoughts on low-cost, quick-build airplane
 - Operation Rubidoux Sundown II: The Unparalled Success of the Rubidoux Raiders - The Project Police once again sweep through Flabob--A true classic of Project Police writing.
 - Limited Flying Qualities Evaluation of the American Falcon

April 1994
 - Takeoff Data Standardization - How to standardize your takeoff data to standard day conditions.
 - Notes From The Edge - a look at the "dark side" of homebuilding

May 1994
 - One Design Airfoil Analysis - Find out how an airfoil designed for aerobatic use differs from an airfoil designed for cruising.
 - First Flight Report - RV-6 N43BL

June 1994
 - The Future of Aircraft Batteries...Here, Now!
 - The Project Police boldly go where no one has gone before... - a sweep through through the Camarillian system.
 - Rosamond Fly-In and BBQ - AWESOME! - Report on the Annual Fly-In and Spot Landing Contest.

July 1994
 - Pulsar Update - George gives some pointers on maintaining your motivation while building.
 - Showdown at the Jackpot Corral - Norm races the Long-EZ and wins the ribbon cutting contest.
 - Another Letter to the Editor - additional thoughts on a short-range electrically powered airplane

August 1994
 - Egads! How do I know if my homebuilt is airworthy? - A quick rundown on areas to check on your aircraft.
 - Build a Pedal Plane - try out your skills on a small scale aircraft and let your kids have some fun too!

September 1994
 - Pitot-Static Instrument Calibration - Learn how to check instrument errors in your airspeed indicator and altimeter without any expensive calibration equipment. Also leak-check your Pitot-static system.

October 1994
 - Pitot-Static Instrument Calibration - Learn how to check instrument errors in your airspeed indicator and altimeter without any expensive calibration equipment. Also leak-check your Pitot-static system.
 - The Real Answer to General Aviation Renaissance - a response to the fallacy that NASA will be the savior of general aviation
 - US Air Force to Merge with Lockheed/Martin - What?! Didn't you hear about this major merger?

November 1994
 - Edwards AFB Open House--Big Success--Again! - Pietenpols in Antarctica?
 - AFFTC Approved Test Pilot Chili - reported to disappear faster than dry ice in an oven

December 1994
 - Cirrus ST50 First Flight
 - First Flight! Keith Kelly's Long EZ

EAA Chapter 1000 Home Page

Contents of The Leading Edge and these web pages are the viewpoints of the authors. No claim is made and no liability is assumed, expressed or implied as to the technical accuracy or safety of the material presented. The viewpoints expressed are not necessarily those of Chapter 1000 or the Experimental Aircraft Association.
Revised -- 26 March 2023