January 1994
- Erbman's Engine Emporium II - Find out more about your engine than intake-compression-power-exhaust. Find out what controls the RPM for best torque and best power. Why auto engines turn faster than aircraft engines, and will they wear out faster.
February 1994
- Erbman's Engine Emporium III - Find out more about your engine than intake-compression-power-exhaust. Find out what controls the RPM for best torque and best power. Why auto engines turn faster than aircraft engines, and will they wear out faster.
- Upcoming Events and Paramilitary Actions - Be inspired by the rousing speech delivered by President Bob prior to Operation Rubidoux Sundown II.
- Tri-Q-200 N200LM - The First 150 Hours
March 1994
- Erbman's Engine Emporium IV - Find out more about your engine than intake-compression-power-exhaust. Find out what controls the RPM for best torque and best power. Why auto engines turn faster than aircraft engines, and will they wear out faster.
- Design Group - Thoughts on low-cost, quick-build
- Operation Rubidoux Sundown II: The Unparalled Success of the Rubidoux Raiders - The Project Police once again sweep through Flabob--A true classic of Project Police writing.
- Limited Flying Qualities Evaluation of the American Falcon
April 1994
- Takeoff Data Standardization - How to standardize your takeoff data to standard day conditions.
- Notes From The Edge - a look at the "dark side" of homebuilding
May 1994
- One Design Airfoil Analysis - Find out how an airfoil designed for aerobatic use differs from an airfoil designed for cruising.
- First Flight Report - RV-6 N43BL
June 1994
- The Future of Aircraft Batteries...Here, Now!
- The Project Police boldly go where no one has gone before... - a sweep through through the Camarillian system.
- Rosamond Fly-In and BBQ - AWESOME! - Report on the Annual Fly-In and Spot Landing Contest.
July 1994
- Pulsar Update - George gives some pointers on maintaining your motivation while building.
- Showdown at the Jackpot Corral - Norm races the Long-EZ and wins the ribbon cutting contest.
- Another Letter to the Editor - additional thoughts on a short-range electrically powered airplane
August 1994
- Egads! How do I know if my homebuilt is airworthy? - A quick rundown on areas to check on your aircraft.
- Build a Pedal Plane - try out your skills on a small scale aircraft and let your kids have some fun too!
September 1994
- Pitot-Static Instrument Calibration - Learn how to check instrument errors in your airspeed indicator and altimeter without any expensive calibration equipment. Also leak-check your Pitot-static system.
October 1994
- Pitot-Static Instrument Calibration - Learn how to check instrument errors in your airspeed indicator and altimeter without any expensive calibration equipment. Also leak-check your Pitot-static system.
- The Real Answer to General Aviation Renaissance - a response to the fallacy that NASA will be the savior of general aviation
- US Air Force to Merge with Lockheed/Martin - What?! Didn't you hear about this major merger?
November 1994
- Edwards AFB Open House--Big Success--Again! - Pietenpols in Antarctica?
- AFFTC Approved Test Pilot Chili - reported to disappear faster than dry ice in an oven
December 1994
- Cirrus ST50 First Flight
- First Flight! Keith Kelly's Long EZ