Fightin' Skywagon Undergoes Elective Surgery (March 2002)
Adding Access Panels to the Fightin' Skywagon (September 2003)
Retrieving the Fightin' Skywagon (January 2004)
Fightin' Skywagon Solenoid Post Mortem (January 2004) -- starter solenoid stuck in the "0N" mode
In Memoriam Dave Lazerson and the Demise of the Fightin' Skywagon (February 2004)
Search For A Replacement Fightin' Skywagon (March 2004)
Replacement Fightin' Skywagon Found (April 2004)
Fightin' Skywagon Transcontinental Functional Check Flight (May 2004)
Kommandant Installs a 406 MHz ELT (November 2012)
Expanding the Density Altitude Envelope (August 2012)
Stuffing Software into a Transponder (April 2013)
Fixing A Runny Nose (July 2013) -- propeller maintenance
A Simple 4 Hour Fix To Make Magneto Timing Easier (July 2013)
Discovering an Ugly Spalled Lifter (September 2015)
Kommandant Buys The Wrong Connecting Rod Bolts (November 2015)
Rebuilding the Skywagon Engine, Scratching That Flying Itch (December 2015)
Primer Troubles, Fightin' Skywagon Return To Flight (January 2016)
Breaking In The Skywagon Engine, Dad's Less Than Reliable Aircraft Engines (February 2016)
Windows 10 Isn't The Only Upgrade Currently In Season (April 2016) -- Opus Sei's F1 Rocket, the Kommandant's Fightin' Skywagon, and Glamorous Glasair ADS-B Upgrade
Flying To Pagosa Springs CO (August 2016) -- to ride the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad
Trim Is Your Friend (October 2017) -- at least until it stops working
Kommandant Squawks About Squawks (May 2018) -- finding a pesky oil leak and retiring an ancient NAV/COM radio
Kommandant Swaps Out Radio (June 2018)
Kommandant's Gadgetosis Nervosa Flare-Up (May 2019) -- The Kommandant, envious of Erbman's panel in the Combat Bearhawk, can't stand it anymore and dumps a check on a Garmin G5 "Electronic Flight Instrument"
Garmin G5 Preliminary Report (July 2019)
Shopping and Purchases/Non-Purchases at AirVenture 2019 (August 2019)
Trip to Yuma to Kill the Bird of Peace (September 2019)
The Skywagon goes to Scottsdale AZ and Henderson NV (November 2019)
Kommandant Outwits The Weather Gods (December 2019)
Flyout to Kern Valley (January 2020)
Annual Inspection, Flight Review, and trip to Jackson Hole under COVID (September 2020)