Aviation Comedy

Quotable Quotes... (July 1992) - Find out why you need all of those cool gadgets in your airplane.

Another Letter to the Editor (July 1994) - additional thoughts on a short-range electrically powered airplane

US Air Force to Merge with Lockheed/Martin (October 1994) - What?! Didn't you hear about this major merger?

Project Police Member Held Captive, Escapes! (February 1997) -- the Roswell Ramada

Birth of a Project Police Officer (April 1997)

More Quotable Quotes (May 1997)

SUBJ: High Flight -- The Annotated Version (May 1997)

Project Police Intelligence Report (May 1997)

Still More Quotable Quotes (June 1997)

Another Take on the Birth of a Project Police Officer (June 1997)

Sesame Street Undercover Project Police (June 1997) -- No one ever responded to this question, and I never published the answer because I forgot about it. Given the Project Police's love for chocolate chip cookies, the answer is obviously "Cookie Monster"

How To Make An Air Fair Fun (September 1997)

Some Stories Just Will Never Die... (October 1997)

Oxymorons Inc. (October 1997)

There I Was, At Oshkosh... (December 1997)

Frank & Ernest (January 1998)

Quotable Quotes (March 1998)

Top Ten Advanteges of UAVs (June 1998)

New Phonetic Alphabet (August 1998)

Quotes from the Quote-meister (September 1998)

ATC Funnies (December 1998)

Are Van's RVs Y2K Compliant? (February 1999)

Why 2K? Fly-out (May 1999)

Learning How To Fly! (June 2000)

Proposed Federal Aviation Regulation Act (July 2000)

Weight Reduction Proposals (December 2000)

ATC Non-Communication (December 2000)

The Taildragger (February 2001)

Report From ASAP (February 2001)

Possible Solution to Missile Defense (July 2001)

For The Aeronautically Minded... (July 2001)

NPRM: Celebrity Pilots; Pilot-In-Command Requirements (September 2001)

Project Police Officers Make Suggestions For Increasing Security On Commercial Airliners (October 2001)

Redneck Engineering... (December 2001)

GPWS FLow Chart (December 2001)

Caption Contest! (April 2002)

NEWSFLASH - Cessna Introduces New Multi-Purpose Winter Appliance (May 2002)

You Know You're Having a Bad Day When... (May 2002)

A. A. A. D. D. (September 2002)

Bear Repellant (September 2002)

Passenger Pre-Flight Briefing (November 2002)

Project Police Literary Corner (January 2003) -- the classic SR-71 "speed check"

How to Make an Eze (August 2003)

A Pilot's Submission to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) (November 2003)

The Horror of Blimps (December 2003)

Crazy Jet Engine Uses (March 2004)

How Jim Piavis Spent His 40th Birthday (March 2004)

Priceless in Afghanistan (March 2004)

Ron Wanttaja Has Problems With Latest Fly-Baby Mod... (April 2004)

Comm-Out Instructor Signals (July 2004)

How To Cook A Christmas Turkey (January 2005)

An Epiphany Joke (January 2005)

Kommandant Directive (May 2005)

World's Easiest Quiz (May 2005)

Weapons Of Math Instruction (June 2005)

You Can Tell You're a Redneck Pilot If... (September 2005)

How To Groundloop Your Taildragger (October 2005)

Eye Halve a Spelling Chequer (January 2006)

World Famous Aviation Artist and Wings/Airpower Magazine Publisher Mike Machat Signs Up As Full Fledged Project Police Officer! (March 2006)

Official Project PoliceTool Dictionary (August 2006)

Evil Editor Zurg's Caption Contest | Results

Tommy The Tired Terribly Terrified Test Pilot (September 2007)

Tommy The Tired Terribly Terrified Test Pilot - Resolved (October 2007)

The Night Before Christmas - Aviation Style (December 2007)

Evil Editor Zurg's Caption Contest | Result

Groveling Can Be So Unbecoming... (March 2009) -- Did you pay your dues?

Finally, The Complete Story Can Be Told (June 2009) -- Knife Gennuso channels Bugs Bunny

Tools and Their Uses (March 2010)

HUDSON MIRACLE APCH (December 2010) -- Jeppesen approach chart presented to Sully and the crew of US Airways Flt 1549

Just How Much Range Does the Glamorous Glasair Have? (October 2011) -- Opie flies the Glasair to Japan?

Secrets of Chromakinetic Augmentation Revealed (January 2012) -- Super-secret propulsion secret not taught in the Aeronautics department but hinted at in the Arts department.

Goofy's Sky School: Learn To Fly The Goofy Way (September 2012)

The Most Interesting Project Police Officers In The World (November 2012)

Secret Picture of America's Most Advanced Fighters (March 2013)

Sequestration and You (March 2013) - fill in 20% of the newsletter yourself

How the Kommandant Sees Himself At The Local Fly-In (January 2014)

EAA HQ Ships Out Cheesy Chapter Certificates (January 2014)

From The L. A. Auto Show (December 2014) -- Knife considers a new career

Seen at Fresno Chandler Executive Airport (May 2015)

Join The Resistance (April 2016)

Someone At The FAA Has A Sense Of Humor: Star Wars Day (May 2018) -- what Luke Skywalker can teach us about being a better pilot. May the Fourth Be With You!

For Those Needing A Reason Of Some Kind For Buying An Aircraft (April 2019) -- when your 1975 Beechcraft Musketeer Sport becomes an X-Wing Fighter

New Ceiling Fan (August 2021) -- when husbands are given free rein

COVID NINETEEN ARRIVAL (November 2021) -- masks required regardless of vaccination status

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Contents of The Leading Edge and these web pages are the viewpoints of the authors. No claim is made and no liability is assumed, expressed or implied as to the technical accuracy or safety of the material presented. The viewpoints expressed are not necessarily those of Chapter 1000 or the Experimental Aircraft Association.
Revised -- 4 February 2024